Saturday, October 2, 2010

Birth Procedure Complete!

Edwin Grey Hibbert was born at 1230 p.m. on Binary Day: 100110! we will be hearing about that later when he understands the C001N355 of it. For the rest of you,that's October 1, 2010. He was messing around with his umbilical cord in the womb, so his BP kept dropping dramatically every time Sutton had a contraction, so it was determined that he should be delivered via C section.

His vital Stats: 8 pounds, 15 ounces (big); 21.75 inches (big) 14.5 inch head (big). Bluish brown eyes, reddish brown hair. Rather gothic fingernails, long fingers. He has not peed yet (except right when he was born, he peed on a nurse) but he has pooped quite a bit. I performed all changings thank you very much. I am uploading a bunch of pictures, here they are.

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