Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Edwin Makes the News

NEW ORLEANS: I knew it would happen, just not this soon. Edwin is a local celebrity in the New Orleans area, helping Daddy-o cover a story on Newman students planting trees in a nearby park.

Get the full story here.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Plain Ketchup -- New York in December

December was hectic; as it always is. Gearing up for Christmas and making plans to send things out, see people you have to see, and do all the things you want to do is always just beyond your ability. But we did our best. So we are playing catch-up with December's events. Thanks to my job and Sutton's leave, we had a lot of time to travel, so it was the perfect time to head up to New York and introduce Edwin to my family. He got to meet everyone in the immediate family except for Paul and Sally. We wish we could have got them too, but we'll have to do it next time.

We flew into Syracuse, and then drove out to Buffalo for a night. Flying was not so bad. We traveled light. No stroller and no car seat (we rented that with the car), so we were lean and quick in the airport. EG went in a snuggli/bjorn. Security was a breeze - no bottles of suspicious liquid to explain. Edwin did not like the pressure changes, and cried on the landing of the first flight, but Sut nursed him so the swallowing eased the pressure. Plus his cry-hole was otherwise occupied. We brought earplugs to hand out to other passengers, but we did not hand them out... yet.

We arrived in NY at 11:30pm or so, so no one was up at the big house when we got there. They were after I accidentally hit the rental's panic button, though. Oopsie daisy. Liverpool had just seen 70 inches of snow, delivered over 95 straight hours. It was compacted a bit by the time we got there, but we got to show Edwin a VERY snowy New York, which made for good pics.

In Liverpool we got to visit with Guy & Cindy, Alan & Patti, Martha & Marty, Pat, Eric, Dan, Julia, Tommy, Leo, and the cats! Special props go to Cindy who basically held Edwin the whole time, even when he projectile puked over her shoulder while we were hangin' around the fire in the back yard (Sutton's favorite NY pastime). Before we left we even had some of my famous cheesesteaks which Sut said was the best batch yet.

In L'pool we also made a side trip to American Legion Post 188 (where Mom and Dad were fixtures for many years) to see Santa Claus. This was Edwin's first Santa visit, embettered by the fact that it was the same Santa I sat on when I was his age. Santa said EG wanted a rattle. Sure enough, he got one. Sutton said she wanted Black Star to sell out the roof. We explained to Santa that BS is a session beer. He said that he and my dad had many sessions together. Who knew that Santa and my Dad were drinking buddies!

Then it was off to the city of good neighbors -- Buffalo. We stayed with Seth & Colleen (and Matthew & Meghan), but we also visited with Keith & Anne and Bill & Jesse, who had Landon and Benjamin in tow. We all milled around the kitchen dining room and living room, catching up and sharing stories. The next day, we went over to Keith's and visited with Andrea, before heading off to Duff's for wings and Duff's Beer. D'oh!

It was great to see everyone, and we appreciate the hospitality. it was great to see all the Hibberts and other kin, and the snow was a big plus. We hope to go again soon, maybe in warmer weather. The album below has some of the best and worst pictures of the trip! Some highlights are Cindy and Guy (what?) holding Edwin, many snow pics, Seth and Col's kids, Bill and Jesse's kids, cats, old pictures of Mom and Dad, and more!

New York Trip Album

Next up, the Trip to the Sip!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Two Months Old

I don't believe it myself.

I am a bad father. No... I am a good father but a bad friend and reporter. I have not posted in a MONTH and a half.

Let me make up for it now. We have taken 550 pictures since Edwin was born, and here are 30 or so that seem to capture his essence. Sleeping, eating, getting held by people, happy, sad, angry, content, and emoting in an uncertain way. (See at the bottom of this post)

We took him to the baby doctor today. He measured 14.85 pounds and 25 inches. That exceeds the 95th percentile for pups his age. I am not saying that he's gonna be tall or fat or whatever, but that's where he stands now. You will be happy to hear that he is in generally good health. He has his issues, but he is trying to keep our anxiety levels down, which we appreciate. He took his shot like a man, and did not even cry. Sutton did not even cry either, which surprised her. I like shots, so I am not surprised that EG is a fan too.

Aside from Sutton's sore wrists (carpal tunnel, blackberry-thumb, or something) and my lard, we are in good health as well. While the house is a mess, we will clean up if we are expecting visitors (hint hint).

I hereby swear that I will update this more often, like 50 times a day, forever.

Latest Pics 12/01/10

Friday, October 15, 2010

What's the hold up?

Edwin With People

Hi everyone!

I'm posting more pix of little Edgar and feeling my way around Picasa at the same time. Check out this smallish album of various people holding the baby. More pictures coming soon, including The Many Faces of E.G. Hibbert, Edwin Goes a-Travelin', and other exciting titles.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Barely 5 Days Old!

Hi everyone! What a night last night. We got oodles of sleep -- maybe from 1am to 6 am! Edwin is very happy right now. This is hard to say without being indiscreet, so I will just lay it out in scientific terms: his tee tee feels better, so it's not ouchie even when he wee wees. He is hungry sleepy, and happy all at the same time. I understand this may not last, but it is really nice right now.

But he is acting a bit cliche, being all cute and stuff. I mean look at that picture above. Classic baby. Overdoing it a bit perhaps.

Anyway, that's it for now. Come visit.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Birth Procedure Complete!

Edwin Grey Hibbert was born at 1230 p.m. on Binary Day: 100110! we will be hearing about that later when he understands the C001N355 of it. For the rest of you,that's October 1, 2010. He was messing around with his umbilical cord in the womb, so his BP kept dropping dramatically every time Sutton had a contraction, so it was determined that he should be delivered via C section.

His vital Stats: 8 pounds, 15 ounces (big); 21.75 inches (big) 14.5 inch head (big). Bluish brown eyes, reddish brown hair. Rather gothic fingernails, long fingers. He has not peed yet (except right when he was born, he peed on a nurse) but he has pooped quite a bit. I performed all changings thank you very much. I am uploading a bunch of pictures, here they are.